UX / Product Design

Ngan-Thi Dang

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BBC World Service

Learning English

Native mobile

Audience-facing, mobile app

The existing learning English Website was due to reach the App world.
Our team wanted to offer a more immersive learning experience and build a habitual use for those who wanted to learn English.
  • Team:
    UX designers, editorial staff
  • Responsibilities:
    Workshop facilitation, on the field research, survey, research analysis, concepts
  • Project timeline:
    3 months


With Guerrilla research and a survey, sent out globally I wanted to know

What kind of Apps do people usually use?
When would they learn and what modality did they prefer?
What was their motivation to learn another language, especially English?

A lot of motivations to why people wanted to learn english, were improving career possibilities, learn for academia, going travelling, get a better job but there were many more interesting and touching answers, one of them here

“I want to learn English to find out the truth, the majority of information is censored in my country.”

Sent from the Middle East


Design workshops to generate as many ideas as possible, including supporting technology (STT, AI)


We surface the search bar including the most asked questions related to this particular topic.

We trialled the idea on several article pages and data showed, that people were very engaged with the questions asked from other readers.

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©Ngan-Thi Dang

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