UX / Product Design

Ngan-Thi Dang

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BBC News Labs

Explainer builder


Can we add to audience understanding of major stories while making it easier for journalists to regularly explain background facts?

Example: If audiences read an article about Global Warming, they might be interested in how Global Warming will affect the future of their children. Or what would it mean for the economy.
  • Team:
  • Responsibilities: concepts, visual design, data analysis
  • Duration:
    3 weeks


With my knowledge about user behaviour from user research on the website and app. 
Understanding how people would engage was important to find the right pattern.


The idea was to create a freeform field for people to submit their questions and search for answers they needed. 

With all the research in mind I suggested to add a quick to access pattern, that did not require a lot of interaction.


We trialled the idea on a few article pages and saw an increase in engagement

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©Ngan-Thi Dang

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